You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted the application. If your application has been accepted, you will receive another email with instructions on setting up a user account on the Powerschool public portal.
In order to finish your registration, you will need to upload several documents: A copy of the birth certificate and immunization records must be uploaded to the school before a student can be enrolled in a Vermont Public School.
You will also need documents for proof of residency. Please check the list below* for acceptable forms.
If there are any court orders that we need to be aware of (custody, etc.) please have those ready to upload as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Raye Lin Collins at 802-259-2392 or
*Residency documentation:
Supply ONE of the following documents that shows your residential address (no P.O. boxes)
☐ Current property tax bill showing Homestead taxation or a copy of VT H122-Homestead Declaration filed with the State of Vermont Department of Taxes. **If you have not lived at this address for one year, you will need to submit a copy of your voter registration form for the first year and before the next school year begins, you will need to provide a copy of your tax bill stating "Homestead" or the completed HS-122.**
☐ Formal lease showing the name, address and phone number of the landlord and name of lessee.
☐ A notarized letter from the landlord stating the address of the residence being leased/occupied and the name(s) of the lessee(s)/occupant(s), along with the landlords contact information including address and telephone number.
AND, supply TWO of the following documents that show your residential address (no P.O. boxes)
☐ Valid Vermont Driver’s License
☐ Valid Vermont identification card